Text Marketing on the Rise — How can ThriveFuel360 help you?

Marketing Daily reports that text message marketing is undoubtedly on the rise. According to a recent survey by Simple Texting, text marketing outperforms e-mail marketing in terms of reply speed, and 52.5% of business owners say that their opt-in rates have increased. 61.8% of people said they’ve opted in to receiving texts from businesses.

But, how can you keep your customers interested in your business’ text messages? Timing, the content of the messages, variety, and the quantity of your text messages are all factors.

The team at ThriveFuel has been helping local businesses with all forms of marketing, including text marketing, email marketing, social media, and search for years.

Now, with our new ThriveFuel360 complete marketing platform, we can help you implement, execute and automate the strategy that works best for your business like never before! Exceed your goals. Generate real leads and customers with ThriveFuel360.