Celena Mangus Comes to ThriveFuel!

We’re thrilled to share with you that Celena Mangus has joined the ThriveFuel team in the role of Business Development Specialist. In this position, Celena will focus on identifying opportunities for business growth and optimizing marketing strategies. 

Originally from Maine, Celena and her family are excited to be a part of the Victoria community, where they hope to eventually raise goats, plant elderberry, and keep bees. 

Celena has a vast background, which includes picking potatoes (her first job), as well as working for Time Warner Cable, the federal government, and the local police station. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration. 

When Celena isn’t working, she enjoys spending time with her Marine husband and their three children. She also likes to play computer games and has seven rescue dogs. 

Welcome to the team, Celena.